Past Workshops

List of Talks
- Georgios Akrivis
Stability properties of implicit--explicit multistep methods for a class of nonlinear parabolic equations. - Panagiotis Chatzipantelidis
On the preservation of positivity in some finite element methods for the heat equation. - Konstantinos Chrysafinos
Analysis and approximations of the velocity tracking control problem for the 3D evolutionary Navier-Stokes equations. - Alexandre Ern
Discontinuous Galerkin method in time combined with a stabilized finite element method in space for linear first-order PDEs - Emmanuil Georgoulis
Adaptivity and blow-up detection for semilinear parabolic problems based on rigorous a posteriori bounds. - Patrick Joly
Time domain analysis of an interface resonance phenomenon in electromagnetism. - Theodoros Katsaounis
A posteriori error control and adaptivity for the Schrödinger equation. - Angela Kunoth
Multilevel preconditioning for isogeometric analysis. - Omar Lakkis
Aposteriori analysis and adaptivity in discontinuous Galerkin time-stepping methods. - Ulrich Langer
Functional a posteriori error estimates for parabolic time-periodic problems - Mats Larson
Stabilized cut finite element methods for evolution problems on surfaces. - Stig Larsson
Weak convergence analysis for finite element approximations of stochastic evolution PDEs. - Christian Lubich
On backward difference formulae for quasi-linear parabolic equations. - Babis Makridakis
Error control for wave equations. - Alexander Ostermann
Splitting based on approximate flows. - Andreas Prohl
Numerical discretization of the stochastic cubic Schroedinger equation. - Kunibert Siebert
On the H1 stability of the L2 projection on adaptively refined grids - Vanessa Styles
Multi-material structural topology optimisation using phase field methods. - Chrysoula Tsogka
Signal to Noise: Ratio analysis in passive correlation based imaging. - Georgios Zouraris
A numerical method for a nonlinear Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equation.