Past Workshops

List of Talks
- Assyr Abdulle
Numerical homogenization method for parabolic advection-diffusion multiscale problems with large compressible flows. - Georgios Akrivis
Stability of implicit-explicit multistep methods for nonlinear parabolic equations. - Dimitrios Antonopoulos
Galerkin methods for the Serre equations. - Sören Bartels
Approximation of self-avoiding inextensible curves. - Panagiotis Chatzipantelidis
The virtual element method for nonlinear elliptic problems. - Konstantinos Chrysafinos
Error estimates for the approximation of the velocity tracking problem with bang-bang controls. - Michel Crouzeix
A matrix factorisation based on numerical radii. - Angel Duran
On the use of cross-diffusion systems for image restoration problems. - Emmanuil Georgoulis
Space-time discontinuous Galerkin methods for evolution PDEs. - Patrick Joly
An approach of aeroacoustics trough the Goldstein model. - Balázs Kovács
Stable and convergent fully discrete interior-exterior coupling of Maxwell's equations. - Angela Kunoth
25+ Years of Wavelets for PDEs. - Mats Larson
Shape optimization using cut finite elements and evolution equations.
" - Stig Larsson
Quasi-optimality of Petrov-Galerkin discretizations of parabolic problems with random coefficients. "
- María López-Fernández
High order generalized Convolution Quadrature and some issues with adaptivity. - Christian Lubich
A-stable time discretizations preserve maximal parabolic regularity. - Ricardo Nochetto
Nematic liquid crystals with variable degree of orientation. - Alexander Ostermann
Splitting techniques in the presence of boundary conditions. - Cesar Palencia
Some contributions to M. Crouzeix's conjecture. - Tristan Pryer
Adaptive regularization. - Chandrasekhar Venkataraman
Free boundaries on cell boundaries: Asymptotic limits of a model for receptor-ligand dynamics.
" - Georgios Zouraris
On the convergence of a linear implicit finite difference method for a nonlinear Schrödinger equation. "