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List of Talks
- Georgios Akrivis
Discontinuous Galerkin time-stepping methods: Maximal regularity and a posteriori error estimates. - Lehel Banjai
A posteriori error analysis for time-fractional subdiffusion problems. - Gabriel Barrenechea
Low-order divergence-free finite element methods. - Panagiotis Chatzipantelidis
On positivity preservation of backward Euler method for stabilized Chemotaxis systems. - Konstantinos Chrysafinos
Analysis and approximations of an optimal control problem related to the Allen-Cahn equation. - Lukas Einkemmer
Some surprising stability results for exponential methods applied to hyperbolic problems. - Emmanuil Georgoulis
Hypocoercivity-preserving Galerkin discretisations. - Sébastien Imperiale
Chebychev polynomials for the time discretization of the wave equation: application to local time stepping. - Patrick Joly
An hybrid numerical scheme for transient electromagnetic wave propagation in thin coaxial cables. - Theodoros Katsaounis
A relaxation scheme for the numerical approximation of the Schrödinger-Poisson system. - David Ketcheson
Explicit energy-conserving schemes for dispersive wave equations. - Angela Kunoth
Monotone multigrid methods for option pricing. - Mats Larson
Space time analysis of cut finite element approximations of parabolic problems on moving domains. - Stig Larsson
On the backward Euler method for SDEs with multivalued drift coefficients. - María López-Fernández
Global in time inversion of Laplace transforms associated to evolution problems. - Alexander Ostermann
Low-regularity integration of NLS. - Daniel Peterseim
Riemannian gradient flows for nonlinear eigenvector problems.