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List of Talks
- Georgios Akrivis
The linearly implicit two-step BDF method for harmonic maps into spheres. - Mohammad Asadzadeh
On the Nitsche’s approach for a finite element scheme for Vlasov-Maxwell system. - Lehel Banjai
Runge-Kutta convolution quadrature for hyperbolic problems based on Gauss methods. - Konstantinos Chrysafinos
Fully discrete approximations of the velocity tracking problem with pointwise-integral control constraints in time-space. - Alexandre Ern
Invariant-domain preserving Runge-Kutta methods. - Emmanuil Georgoulis
Hypocoercivity-exploiting stabilised finite element methods for Kolmogorov equation. - Patrick Joly
Remarks on explicit time stepping for the DG space discretisation of linear Friedrichs systems. - Theodoros Katsaounis
Optimisation methods for elastodynamics. - David Ketcheson
How to approximate any evolution PDE by a hyperbolic PDE. - Christian Kreuzer
Inf-sup theory for the Biot equations: analysis and discretisation. - Ulrich Langer
Space-time finite element solvers for parabolic optimal control problems. - Mats Larson
Strong stabilization of cut elements and explicit time stepping. - Stig Larsson
A priori and a posteriori error estimates for discontinuous Galerkin time-discrete methods via maximal regularity. - María López-Fernández
Generalized convolution quadrature for sectorial problems. - Christian Lubich
Time-dependent electromagnetic scattering from thin layers. - Charalambοs Makridakis
Neural network approximations to evolution problems. - Vanja Nikolić
Asymptotic-preserving finite element discretization of quasilinear acoustic equations. - Alexander Ostermann
An exponential integrator/WENO discretization for dispersive sonic-boom simulation. - Daniel Peterseim
Computational polyconvexification of isotropic functions. - Tristan Pryer
Structure-preservation in non-Newtonian flows. - Mariya Ptashnyk
Numerical analysis of a time-stepping method for the Westervelt equation with time-fractional damping. - Thomas Wihler
A discrete calculus for variable-order dG time stepping methods. - Georgios Zouraris
On the convergence of a linearly implicit finite element method approximating a nonlinear Schrödinger equation.